EBook Download: Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health

fundamentals_of_occupational_safety_and_healthNIOSH’s Twitter feed (@NIOSH) recently “tweeted” about the availability of an ebook entitled, Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health, written by Mark Friend and James Kohn (2007).

Some of the chapters in the book include such topics as:

  • Workers’ compensation and recordkeeping
  • Accident investigation
  • Intro to Industrial Hygiene
  • Ergonomics
  • System Safety
  • Hazardous Materials,
  • Multiemployer worksite doctrine
  • Required written programs
  • etc.

(Continue reading past the break for a download link to the book)

Great reference material for the practicing Health & Safety professional!

A copy of the book can be downloaded here:

  Ebook: Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health (7.7 MiB, 2,577 hits)

Source: @NIOSH (via Twitter)