Contractor Pre-Job Safety Checklist Template

Contractors in General Industry & Construction
With nearly 100 deaths per week (or 15 per day) on job sites around the United States, protecting our employees is more important than ever. For many years, contractors have typically made up the majority of the working population on construction sites, however, industry is seeing a rise in contractor populations onsite, often due to facilities becoming increasingly lean. Unfortunately, too often, owning organizations do not take the same level of ownership for the safety of contractors while they are working on their sites, which inevitably leads to an increase in injuries and illnesses.
Pre-Job Safety Checklist
The use of a pre-job safety checklist is one of the most valuable tools that an owning organization can utilize to ensure that a contractor is complying with the safety requirements of a job site. While it’s certainly not the only tool, it ensures that the safety priorities of the site are reviewed before the job commences. This provides a time for the contractor and their point of contact to discuss the job, expectations, safety implications, and mitigating factors. All crucial to ensuring that job goes well and personnel are kept safe.
The following pre-job safety checklist provides a starting point for organizations that do not currently utilize a pre-job safety review. While there may be portions of the template that are not applicable to your site, and other considerations that are not include, the checklist is provided in Microsoft Word format to allow for easy editing.
Download’s free Pre-Job Safety Checklist.