
Results for’s Occupational Health & Safety Salary Survey

The results are in from‘s Occupational Health & Safety Salary Survey.  300 Occupational Health and Safety Professionals responded to the survey request for information pertaining to career length, certifications, salary, geographic location, etc.  The results are as follows:

Of the 297 respondents, nearly three quarters were male.

Age followed a typical bell curve with the majority of respondents being between 35-60 years of age.


2010 Occupational Health & Safety Salary Survey

Survey is now closed.  Results to be posted soon.

This officially unofficial survey (18 quick questions) will provide compensation information gathered from survey information received voluntarily from individuals holding the CIH certification, as well as those with the CSP, CHMM certifications and/or the designation of ASP. Additionally, we invite practicing health and safety professionals (including EHS practitioners) who do not have one of the aforementioned certifications/designations (or have a different certification/designation) to contribute to the survey. The larger and more relevant the survey population, the better the survey results!

Upon completion of the survey period, OHShub will compile the data and post the results and related statistics on our website. All entries are anonymous and no identifying data will be stored. While we do not guarantee the accuracy of the survey results, we ask that all contributors answer the questions as complete and accurate as possible. For questions or comments, please contact us.
Health & Safety at the Center of Our World

Take the 2010 Occupational Health & Safety Salary Survey

Average Salaries: Industrial Hygienist, Certified Safety Professional, EHS Manager

(Be sure to check out’s Occupational Health & Safety Professional Salary Survey here for detailed salary information provided by professionals like you!)

Below are the average salaries for occupational health and safety professionals (industrial hygienists, certified safety professionals, and environmental, health, and safety managers) in the US.  The salaries are based upon the average salaries for nationwide  job postings and are a good representation of the salaries available.  Please note that the salaries can have a significant range and depend upon industry, experience and position.

Industrial Hygienist Salary


Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Salary Summary

(Be sure to check out’s Occupational Health & Safety Professional Salary Survey here for detailed salary information provided by professionals like you!)


The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), the certification board for those looking to complete or maintain their CSP designation, recently released the results of their 2009 Salary Survey for  individuals holding the CSP certification, as well as those with the OHST, and CHST certifications and/or the designation of ASP.

The new database holds a wealth of information including:

  • Years in practice
  • Degrees held
  • Employer type
  • Job function
  • Supervisory role
  • …and much more

You can view the results of the salary survey HERE

Average Salaries of Industrial Hygienists, Occupational Health and Safety Specialists, and EHS Managers

(Be sure to check out’s Occupational Health & Safety Professional Salary Survey here for detailed salary information provided by professionals like you!)

Salaries in the Occupational Health and Safety field are in the upper-mid range for professional individuals, with managerial positions being at the top.

Consultant salaries typically start around:

  • $30,000.00 for an entry level position
  • $50,000.00 for 5-8 years of experience
  • $70,000.00 for 8-15 years of experience
  • $90,000.00 for 20+ years of experience

The average Industrial Hygienist salary is approximately $71,650.00.

A quick search of open Industrial Hygiene positions reveals 1300 jobs related to IH with a salary greater than $40,000.00.

  • 100% were $40,000.00 or more
  • 47% were $60,000.00 or more
  • 6% were $100,000.00 or more
  • 2% were $120,000.00 or more

Much like the rest of the economy, salary trends for Certified Industrial Hygienists have seen a sharp drop in 2009, however, there has been an increase since April 2007.

The average Health and Safety Manager (i.e. Safety Professional Manager) salary is approximately $114,490.00.

A quick search of open Safety Professional positions reveals 400+ jobs for safety professionals with a salary greater than $40,000.00.

  • 100% were $40,000.00 or more
  • 69% were $60,000.00 or more
  • 13% were $100,000.00 or more
  • 6% were $120,000.00 or more

Much like the rest of the economy, salary trends for Certified Safety Professionals have seen a sharp drop in 2009.

The average Environmental, Health and Safety Manager salar is approximately $125,800.00.

A quick search of open Environmental, Health and Safety positions reveals 600+ jobs for safety professionals with a salary greater than $30,000.00.

  • 100% were $30,000.00 or more
  • 69% were $50,000.00 or more
  • 17% were $90,000.00 or more
  • 8% were $110,000.00 or more

Much like the rest of the economy, salary trends for Environmental, Health & Safety Managers have seen a sharp drop in 2009.

The National Safety Council’s 2008 Salary Survey contained the following information and can be found HERE

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